Why bring play into the classroom?
Do you ever feel like your 6 year olds have the attention span of a flea and you’re going bananas trying to find the balance between what they can do, want to do, and need to do? Believe me, I’ve been there! When you are able to add in purposeful play your kids will just think they are having fun, and your principal/fellow teachers will see the content and standards actually being taught. Sneaky, sneaky! If you have been looking for a way to excite your first graders, boost confidence levels, and see a little more joy in your classroom, I’m telling you my #teachertruth... play makes all the difference! I can’t wait to help you easily (time and budget friendly) add some fun to your standards. :)
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About Kayla
Hi I’m Kayla! I am a forever first grade teacher with a passion for adding purposeful play into my classroom. I believe that learning can be cute, fun, and engaging without breaking the bank. I am all about adding simple twists to my lessons that will keep my kids engaged and feeling confident. Even though I believe teaching is my calling, it definitely isn't always easy. To read more about what keeps me going as a teacher and helps me inspire my students, be sure to keep reading.
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